Why An Assessment?

We all know that both the corporate and healthcare workplace can be overwhelmed by challenges. Do you have a challenge that is particularly problematic? For example, perhaps one of your hospital units is stretched thin causing issues with safety, performance or a loss of personal. Or you may have difficulties with communication between your staff or between staff and administration. Or perhaps your business team is performing below its capability. At Pursuit Health, we are skilled at helping you assess your problem and designing an intervention that meets your needs. For example, we can deliver a combined mindfulness/coaching program to a pressured ER staff in order to increase stress hardiness while simultaneously assisting with creative problem solving. Or we can work with your team to improve it’s communication or performance. Regardless of  your challenge, the coaches at Pursuit Health can help you design a winning solution.

Common Assessment Situations

Because of our knowledge of both healthcare and business, we can offer customized solutions to the stresses within either workplace environment.

Why Choose Us

      • We can combine mindfulness training with coaching to better help organizations units in crisis
      • Our diverse skill set allows us to design solutions to better meet the pressures of both the healthcare and corporate environments
      • We understand both the stressors in medicine leading to compassion fatigue and burnout as well as the competitive pressures faced by business teams today